Samantha, Bianca ,Brendt ,Lauren-Lee,Maritza and myself are truly honoured and humbled our Brand ambassador Charina Joubert is a finalist in Tammy Taylor Mrs South Africa 2019. Over the next few months up to the Grand Final on November 8th,some amazing things are going to be happening. From fashion shows to musical cocktail parties,and who knows what else.Please watch our social media and our website blogs. #BW Brendt Wayne DeWet Bianca Solomons # #LLMusic #LaurenLee Maritza Truter #Maritza #CharinaJoubert #BrandAmbassador #TammyTaylorMrsSouthAfrica #Finalist2019 #SJManagement #DGPMusic #CirrusWater Procing Atmospheric water #BrandIT #TrackTone #EstelecDesigns #Body20Vredekloof #Pongracz #CapeGroove

Congratulations we are rooting for you all the way.
Samantha and David are so delighted that Charina is a Tammy Taylor Mrs South Africa Finalist 2019
Craig and the entire Pongracz team are delighted to hear that Charina has reached the Tammy Taylor Mrs South Africa 2019 .That calls for glass of Pongracz.
Of course we urge everyone to enjoy our bubbles but to drink responsibly

We wish her all the best on her journey through to November

We wish her luck in her quest.

Wow! Well done I will be cheering you on!

We wish you all the best